We caught up with Budapest-based classical composer vaghy, who released his latest single ‘When The Night Falls’ featuring Ohnody, on October 11th via Théque Records. It’s accompanied by a magnificent music video which was shot by Bence Szemerey from Odesa Films. The single is a profound work of art which blends Ohnody’s succulent vocals with vaghy’s adroit piano and composing skills. In the interview, we chat to vaghy about the inspiration behind this collaboration, his musical background and what’s next for him. 

Watch the music video for vaghy x Ohnody‘When The Night Falls’ below:

How has your musical background helped shape your sound?

I have been playing the piano since I was a child, exactly since I was 6 years old. I was always attracted to the sound of the modified piano. I could not creatively identify with the open grandiose sound of grand competition pianos. So I started refining and muting the sound of the instruments quite early on. You wouldn’t even think how much the materials found in the home environment can change the sound of the instrument, some textures can almost change the sound of the piano to a synthesizer timbre. This kind of attraction to modified timbres requires a completely different way of playing. It is very exciting to create in this intimate, restrained world.

Congratulations on the release of your new single and video ‘When the Night Falls’. Can you tell us a bit about your experience collaborating with Ohnody?

If anyone knows or watches my published music so far, you may notice that there are no songs with vocals. Basically, I am a solo artist who can fully express myself on the piano. I knew that I could only collaborate with an artist who, like me, represents a very introverted and determined unique world. I discovered Dóri’s voice a long time ago and felt that her voice has a very sincere and deep content.

During a discussion with the label, the idea of a joint work came up. I thought that Dóri would say no anyway, since I had never worked with a singer before and I wasn’t sure that she could identify with my musical world. But to my greatest surprise, she said yes to working together, which I was very happy about. I started the creative process with a couple of piano demos, from which Ohnody chose exactly what I thought she would ignore. Unbelievably, she took that little piano piece into a whole new world.

Stream vaghy x Ohnody ‘When The Night Falls’ : HERE

What are or were some of the challenges for you in producing or performing while keeping true to your vision of your music?

In the past, I was very careful to take as many instruments as possible to my concerts and to come up with as complex and complicated solutions as possible for my songs. My only goal was not to use a laptop or background music. But over time I got to know the taste of solo piano playing, it’s fantastic and completely mesmerising what the acoustics of the atmosphere of a given space can do with the help of a single instrument. I usually enjoy this, as one of my favourite forms of performance is improvisation. It’s so motivating to go on stage without having a clue what I’m going to play. The strangest thing is that it almost always works and takes me and my audience to another dimension.

Is there any “non-musical” ingredient that is essential to crafting your sound?

There isn’t really, since everything I’ve done since I was a little kid or do now has musical roots. I read quite a lot of literary books and I really like visual arts, but these are mostly reflect and come to the surface in the creative process.

Who are three musicians you think the world needs to hear right now?

Yussef Dayes, Glass Beams and Neil Cowley

Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?

I can tell you that a lot of material was made this year and not all of them are solo piano material that I am used to. I am preparing very exciting new things, which I have not yet agreed with my label Théque Records. But they will like it too, I’m sure 🙂

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